
Project Work and Project Work Revising

Mechanical Installation Project Department and Electric Installation Project Department

Supervising Works

In Lusoclima, we have a complete supervising service at your disposal, due to which we are able to assure our costumers a strict financial...

Energy Certification

We are proud to say we have published Nr1 Energy Performance Certificate in Portugal, concerning the building used as the Ministry of Environment...

Energy Audits

With the purpose of encountering EU energy efficiency directives, Lusoclima, engineering solutions, S.A., felt the need to guide its electrotechnical engineers to the scope of building and industries energy audits with the main purpose of identifying the areas and systems where the rationalization...

Indoor Air Quality Audits

Lusoclima offers you a variety of services in the areas of audit and consulting comprising Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). We own equipments and technology that enable us to monitor the polluting standards inside commercial buildings...

Dynamic Simulation

Dynamic Simulation of Building’s Energy Consumption

At our disposal we have technical frameworks prepared to accomplish energy simulations of buildings as required by national legislation concerning Energy Certification...


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